
Clicking on "See all" will discard date filter for photos

Closed this issue · 2 comments

YvdW commented

Here are the reproduction steps:

  1. Select photos from the dropdown menu on
  2. Add a date filter, e.g. rp_creation_time {"start_year":"2014","start_month":"2014-10","end_year":"2014","end_month":"2014-10","start_day":"2014-10-11","end_day":"2014-10-13"}
  3. Now you add a keyword to find pictures from Times Square or a different location or object.
  4. Search, this will open a new window. In this new window you will see 9 pictures grouped horizontally by groups of 3. All these 9 photos are of the dates you specified.
  5. If you want to find more pictures, however, you will have to click on "See all" and this will discard the date filter.
    That is, the full URL that you get when you add the filter and before you click on See all is this:

After you click on See all:

As you will see when you click on any of the pictures, the date filter doesn't work after that.

I found a workaround, however. You will need to copy everything what comes after f= and paste it in the previous URL. That is, you will copy f=Abp2v7X7McNmyTMs0PsXMA78jr7y72ulkoNYRGspBWTnS5wNxNgnll9IHP2xGOl5fLoXTkPbLNNVZYYEBuvOyedNhiENFM2PcrsQms0NxtF7SwIk_7sQARI4S6tRYMtpxRg

after the keyword
and in front of

So the link is:

You can also read the Twitter thread that I wrote about it.

YvdW commented

Maybe this will be difficult to automate with the website but you might be able to intercept this with your searchbook Firefox extension?

Thanks for the notification. I suggest using searchbook for now (i.e. setting the query from the extension instead of using the html page), at least for as long as it works. If and when that method will become unusable, we'll see another good way to do what you want ;)