opencl gemm_kernel error: CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE for the function gemm_offset_gpu() in blas_kernels.c
TaihuLight opened this issue · 4 comments
When I run darknet using the function gemm_offset_gpu() in blas_kernels.c, it occurs the following error:
How to fix it?
Yes, I was trying to dynamically adjust tuning parameters (in 7 methods) but I decided to put it as a const. pls try to re-clone now and build. thanks! :).
Hi, is it anything better now?
no comments... seems the issue can be closed... feel free to reopen...
Hi @sowson , I cloned the code two or three weeks ago but I got the same problem FATAL ERROR: CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE opencl gemm_kernel error: CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE
. It seems that the problem is not solved?
The config is cifar.cfg. I checked the passed arguments of clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
in opencl_kernel_local
. The globalOffset
is 0, 0
, globalItems
is 32, 100352
, localItems
is 32, 1
. Do you have any idea why these sizes are invalid?