
Attention layer used in bottleneck

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In the paper, when discussing the network architecture and comparing NCSN++M with NCSN++, it is said that "the attention layer in the bottleneck is removed". However, it seems to me that by setting attn_resolutions = (0,) here, no attention layers are used at all except in the bottleneck layer here. This is also the case in the previous sp-uhh/sgmse repo (here and here). So it seems to me the correct statement describing the new model should be "the attention layers are removed except in the bottleneck layer".

You are absolutely right, we let the attention block in the bottleneck, that is a mistake that comes from the confusion between multiples experiments where we did indeed remove the bottleneck attention.
We will correct if we are getting accepted.
Thanks for reporting !