
Migrate from score file version 5 to version 6

firmart opened this issue · 5 comments

Suddenly, I cannot use elfeed-score anymore after an update. I got weird error like

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-already-exists "File already exists" "~/.emacs.d/elfeed.score.~5~")

By inspecting the source code, I realized that we move to a version 6 which uses plist. But currently, for older score files, the code do nothing more than copying it to elfeed.score.~VERSION~. It would be nice to have a message/error announcing the version change and even nicer to have a function to migrate from old versions.

BTW, it's excellent to have plist. It was a little pain to know which parameter has what purpose without checking the source code or the README.

sp1ff commented

Hey @firmart -- sorry for the trouble! Just pushed a change that will:

  1. Announce the fact that your score file will be upgraded
  2. Not error-out on failure to make a backup copy

Can I ask how you ended-up with a file named elfeed-score.el.~5~?

Yeah... the flat list format was getting tougher & tougher to work with, so I finally bit the bullet. I tried to make the upgrade seamless, but it seems I missed at least one corner case.

sp1ff commented

It's due to the following line, as the version mismatches:

No, no... what I meant to ask was: why was there already a file present on disk named elfeed-score.el.~5~ in the first place? Did you load it twice without writing it out (so that the package thought it had to upgrade twice)?

Right now, the score file will be written out when:

  1. you unload the package
  2. you explicitly request a score operation (elfeed-score-score-search, e.g.)
  3. you ask it to (i.e. when you call elfeed-score-serde-write-score-file)

IOW, if you just read your RSS feeds, updating & reading, the state accumulates in memory without being written to disk. I suppose I could write it periodically, or watch the job queue (and when it drops to zero, write).

I'll definitely change the update logic to write the new file immediately.

sp1ff commented

Alright, the latest release will just write the new file straightaway. I'm going to close this issue & start a new one to track the issue of in-memory rules getting written out, since that's a bigger topic.