
Can't download from ERROR: No videos found. You need username / password.

Closed this issue · 26 comments

tv4play issue

  • ERROR: No videos found. You need username / password. *
    I am logged in with correct username + password

ubuntustudio 20.04 LINUX
I have tried several new 2023 LINUX distros with the same result.

$ svtplay-dl --verbose

DEBUG [1692476124.4970155] /usr/local/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/utils/ version: 4.25
DEBUG [1692476124.4986331] /usr/local/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/service/ service: tv4play
DEBUG [1692476124.4987006] /usr/local/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/utils/ HTTP getting ''
DEBUG [1692476124.503525] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/urllib3/ Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG [1692476124.5637414] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/urllib3/ "GET /video/b2f3b9f0eefb7759a576/mondo-man-v%C3%A4rldsstj%C3%A4rnan-armand-duplantis HTTP/1.1" 200 None
ERROR [1692476124.5694015] /usr/local/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/utils/ No videos found. You need username / password.

$ svtplay-dl --version
svtplay-dl 4.25
$ python3 --version
Python 3.8.10
$ python2 --version
Python 2.7.18

$ uname -r

$ ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg version 4.2.7

$ cat /etc/*release
VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"

spaam commented

it works fine here. are you sure you are using the correct user / password? 🤔

Sopor commented

I think he means that he is logged in, in the web browser ...

Sopor commented

Open an editor and copy the text below and paste it in the editor.

    subtitle: true

    username: <email address>
    password: <password>

Replace <email address> and <password> with your own and save the file to your $HOME directory with the name .svtplay-dl.yaml.

If you are running Windows you need to save it to C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl.yaml

Now you don't need to include username and password every time you want to download from TV4Play.

If you don't want to download subtitles for everything you download you can change subtitle: true to subtitle: false.

If you don't want to create a config file you need to include username and password every time you want to download from TV4Play (and -S for subtitles).

$ svtplay-dl -S -u <username> -p <password> URL

Something is for sure going on. I just tried the supplied link above, get the same error with the correct username and password.
Just to check and make sure I logged out of the web site, and tried to log in, and got "Something went wrong, please try later", so can't log in on web browser either ...


Right now I'm getting "Vi upplever för tillfället problem med tjänsten. Vi jobbar på att lösa det så snabbt som möjligt" on the web front page, so let's see what status we get once solved ... That is, of course, unless spaam has some clever idea as to the reason which might be influenced by svtplay-dl ... :-D


Sopor commented

TV4Play have changed API. The older is still there but it won't get updated.

spaam commented

is there any issues right now or is the old api bad?

Sopor commented

They seems to have some issues, that for sure. I don't know why.

I was logged in and i only got Något gick fel. Försök igen.

Coming home from work today, it all works, both web page and svtplay-dl ...

svtplay-dl returned this, though, concerning the API, but then proceeded to download:

dennis@gentoo ~ $ svtplay-dl
/usr/bin/svtplay-dl:4: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API. See
  __import__('pkg_resources').run_script('svtplay-dl==4.25', 'svtplay-dl')

Whatever issue they had, it seems fixed, at least here for me, but I'll leave it to the OP to close.
Having svtplay-dl feed back the API deprecation warning might be food for future issues, of course, but not sure how that works internally in the app, and I can live with the less than pretty output, I'm not too picky. :-D


@SweDennis Fixed and fixed... the old API might still work, but it's not getting updated with content any more. A lot of videos are missing and it will get worse and worse over time. The correct thing to do would be to start using the new API.

im going to close this ticket. without any examples on what is missing i cant fix this issue., i will not scrape the whole site to find the issue. feel free to send a patch with the fix :)

@buzzy if someone having issue with something they should provide info what is wrong so it will be easier to find the issue. its like going to the doctor at the hospital without saying what is wrong and the doctor need to find out what the issue is. pretty damn hard i would say.

@buzzy The password issue seems fixed, yes, which was the point of this case.
The api deprecations seems to me to be an issue all its own.

good, some examples with the issue.. now someone can fix the issue for us :)

@spaam Well, I did NOT report this issue. It was simply a response to the "everything is fine now", which it isn't. The whole "product" is crippled. And no, I don't care much, as I don't use svtplay-dl. It was simply feedback that should be valuable to the creator, but apparently not...

@buzzy I just tested one of your supplied link above:

What's not working with that one aside from the api deprecation warning?


@SweDennis I haven't looked into it personally, but I believe it's mainly listings that does not work.

@buzzy Ok, you hadn't personally looked into the examples you listed as pertaining to the case at hand, I understand ...

@SweDennis Correct. I linked to the source of the report. I assume all details are there. First link is to the original report, which is not mine. I assume it could also have been added to the old API after it was reported.

@buzzy All fine with that, and I'll close with that. My whole point is that this case, 1552 has to do with an error of not being able to use username and password, which seems fixed. Other errors should be handled in separate cases, that was my whole point of saying that "All is working ...". Peace and have a great weekend.

@SweDennis Ok, thanks for clarifying. And yes, I agree that it should be a separate case. Great weekend to you too.

svtplay-dl -S -u -p URL

Thank you Sopor,
now I can download from using your solution.
This works like a dream (using LINUX):
svtplay-dl -S -u -p password

@jarva000 If you feel as if your particular case is solved, feel free to close the case, and for further questions and new issues, open a new case.

try 4.26 it was released earlier today :)