
Cannot download series from tv4play

Closed this issue · 11 comments

What is the issue:

Downloading using the -A switch doesn't work on tv4play anymore, when downloading series. (it works on single shows/movies, but trying to download all episodes does not work anymore, which is very annoying when having shows with lots of (small) episodes (like 30+) !
examples and url:
(having set the user and password in the .HOME/.svtplay-dl.yaml file as mentioned elsewhere, in the issue before):
svtplay-dl -A --verbose
or with user credentials:
svtplay-dl -A -u someuser -p somepass

... .pyenv/versions/3.6.5/lib/python3.6/", line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "home/bin/svtplay-dl/", line 15, in
File "home/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/", line 69, in main
File "home/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/utils/", line 61, in get_media
File "home/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/utils/", line 79, in get_all_episodes
File "home/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/service/", line 136, in find_all_episodes
KeyError: 'allSeasonLinks'

(- got one slightly different error using direct episode url also:)
.pyenv/versions/3.6.5/lib/python3.6/", line 85, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
/home/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/service/", line 131, in find_all_episodes
File "home/bin/svtplay-dl/svtplay_dl/service/", line 178, in _get_seriesid
KeyError: 'series'


This stopped working after tv4play updated its website some weeks or months ago, and any newer version of this excellent util does not seem to handle or mention this!

svtplay-dl versions:4.24

Operating system and Python version:

Name and version of the operating system and python version (run python --version)
python: 3.6.5

can you try using the latest version 4.25 and see if it works better?

can you try using the latest version 4.25 and see if it works better?

I did now, and it works! Perfect as before!

Sorry to file an unnecessary issue, I just assumed since no mention of it, it wouldn't have changed.

its okey. 4.25 have an issue that you cant use -A on a video. you need to use the program page like you did in your first post FYI :) it will be fixed later this week.

Hi, I have the same issue. But for me, it's not resolved by updating to 4.25.

C:\Users\s>c:\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl.exe -S -f --format-preferred=hevc-51,h264-51,hevc,h264 -u -p xxxxxx "är-är-min-dröm"
ERROR: No videos found. You need username / password.

C:\Users\s>c:\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl.exe -S -f --format-preferred=hevc-51,h264-51,hevc,h264 --password=xxxxxx "är-är-min-dröm"
ERROR: No videos found. You need username / password.

C:\Users\s>c:\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl.exe --version
svtplay-dl 4.25


INFO: Outfile:
INFO: Outfile:
INFO: Selected to download hls, bitrate: 7027 format: h264
[240/695][===========================.....................................................] ETA: 0:00:13

I'm using a config file, but you can see it is working.

Do you have any strange characters in your password?

So, it works for you (user/password not required)!

Yesterday, I removed my standard python38 installation (installed 3.11 and got rid of several old versions).
(3.11 works fine.)
I downloaded svtplay 4.25 today.

Well, I'll try to investigate further, starting with testing download from other sites (SVT, ...)


Btw, No strange chars in my password

Btw 2: Turns out that SVT works fine.

Maybe this is not relevant, but in the below, what are "C:\hostedtoolcache" and "D:\a"? I have those disks, but not the directories...

C:\Users\s>c:\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl.exe --verbose -u -p xxxx ""
DEBUG [1693509022.269405] D:\a\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl\lib\svtplay_dl\utils\ version: 4.25
DEBUG [1693509022.2714033] D:\a\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl\lib\svtplay_dl\ service: tv4play
DEBUG [1693509022.2714033] D:\a\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl\lib\svtplay_dl\utils\ HTTP getting ''
DEBUG [1693509022.277928] C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.8.10\x64\lib\site-packages\urllib3\ Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG [1693509022.4099412] C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.8.10\x64\lib\site-packages\urllib3\ "GET /video/d7995e2549aa7ea0397e/han-tog-henne-till-skogen HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG [1693509022.4299445] D:\a\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl\lib\svtplay_dl\utils\ HTTP getting ''
DEBUG [1693509022.4339437] C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.8.10\x64\lib\site-packages\urllib3\ Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG [1693509022.8032424] C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\Python\3.8.10\x64\lib\site-packages\urllib3\ "POST /oauth/authorize HTTP/1.1" 401 60
ERROR [1693509022.804242] D:\a\svtplay-dl\svtplay-dl\lib\svtplay_dl\utils\ No videos found. You need username / password.

@stefner those are there because you are using windows and using svtplay-dl.exe. those directories was created when i made that .exe file.

So, it works for you (user/password not required)!

@stefner Username and password are required, but i have those in the config file.

You can create a config file and you don't need to enter the options every time you download.

You don't need to install any python in Windows. Python is included in the svtplay-dl package.

@Sopor, spaam
Got it working by changing the password when logged into in my Chrome browser.
I changed it to the one saved in Google, which was the one that I thought was used when logging in the browser login.
Conclusion: I was wrong, and there was no issue with svtplay-dl.
Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for your help.

this should be fixed in 4.25 and 4.26