
Packet data is Zero - Packet size limited during capture

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Screenshot from 2019-09-13 03-11-55

ESP32 using NodeMCU. No modification were done to the origional code. Baud rate was 921600.

Also getting this error.

Getting the same error. Any updates on this issue?

Same issue here on a TTGO-T Cell 18650 ESP32 Board.
So I checked the code and found out, that un-commenting

#if defined(ESP32)
if(incl_len > snaplen) incl_len = snaplen; /* safty check that the packet isn't too big (I ran into problems with the ESP8266 here) */

line 80-82 in PCAP.cpp solves that issue, but brings the "Malformed Packet" issue.
Btw: snaplen is defined as
uint32_t snaplen = sizeof(int);
which in my simple knowledge is 4?
Almost every received packet is greater than 4, such that the data will be virtually removed?

I set snaplen to 2500 now. That should do the trick for WiFi.
I think originally it was suppose to use the max value of an integer there but I must have failed horribly.

Thanks for pointing out the source of the issue. Haven't touched this code in forever.