- 6
Environment variable values should be sensitive only when write_only is enabled
#517 opened by atorrescogollo - 0
- 5
- 1
Association resource for spaces
#412 opened by jkrzemin - 3
missing data_source for spacelift_stack_destructor
#544 opened by Radkowski - 0
Question: Does additional_project_globs work with remote repository directories
#569 opened by victor-efedi-sympower - 6
- 2
enable_well_known_secret_masking Has no default and breaks existing stacks with no warning of this change in the release notes
#558 opened by crouth-redge - 0
Cannot refresh worker pool
#567 opened by joe-hutchinson-cko - 3
Error "could not update space: unauthorized - is it an administrative stack in the root space?"
#424 opened by nitrocode - 15
Removing `terraform_version` from `terragrunt` block results in "No changes"
#540 opened by lorengordon - 2
- 0
- 1
Change spacelift_environment_variable value to choose between secret or plaintext
#562 opened by victor-efedi-sympower - 3
- 1
How to run tests locally?
#468 opened by leetrout - 1
Unable to import AWS integration
#467 opened by leetrout - 1
Add tail option to spacelift_run resource
#427 opened by jwenz723 - 4
Request: spacelift_space datasource should support finding by name (not just slug)
#392 opened by tthrone-atomic - 1
- 1
Trailing newline added to spacelift_mounted_file
#559 opened by buckner - 4
Refresh fails when a manually space is removed from the Terraform configuration
#550 opened by HighwayofLife - 2
In `spacelift_module`, if `name` and `terraform_provider` are set, the resulting `id` is just the `name`
#531 opened by pravindahal - 3
- 0
Feature Request: Enhance spacelift_user Resource for Granular Policy Management
#549 opened by HighwayofLife - 0
Missing spacelift_user data source
#548 opened by HighwayofLife - 2
`spacelift_stack`: Terragrunt block without `terraform_version` and `terragrunt_version` fails with error
#524 opened by lorengordon - 2
Ability to get Stack Outputs as a Data Source
#504 opened by ikegentz - 1
- 2
Creation of `spacelift_user` resource results in "get login from session: incompatible issuer" error
#486 opened by mgajewskik - 1
- 1
- 1
Can't move stacks with AWS integration attached to a different space
#478 opened by FidelusAleksander - 1
Request: Support Security Components
#421 opened by fishpen0 - 1
- 1
- 0
Add support for opentofu backend to spacelift_stack
#520 opened by joeybenamy - 4
- 1
Request: Add support for user management
#472 opened by KNiepok - 1
Scheduled task cron timestamp failure
#485 opened by JamesWordie - 0
- 2
Bug: spacelift_space_by_path
#410 opened by SizZiKe - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
Request: `spacelift_policy_attachment` verifies `policy_id` exists during plan time
#399 opened by nitrocode - 2
- 2
spacelift_module repository is not changeable
#365 opened by tesharp - 1
Add resources to manage Single Sign-On
#362 opened by ThomasK33