
Sorry if dumb question, but would this implement a way to wake Switch from sleep?

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My joycons have drift really bad which make using them unusable unless connected to the Switch undocked, so I use client-rs to use PC controllers on my Switch. It works fine but I would like to wake the Switch from my computer somehow if possible, because otherwise i have to use the joycons to wake the Switch, and sometime client-rs doesn't work it's buggy. It seems of all the homebrew apps they've come out with, there'd be one that allows you to wake the Switch from sleep without using the official controller but I've found none on Google. Since this involves lan I was just curious if it would activate some wake from lan option. I am not interested in lan play.

If it has nothing to do with waking from lan I ask spacemeowx2 would you be able to implement such a homebrew? I guess the issue is that the Switch as sleeping so no homebrew could be performed but Chiaki remoteplay for both PS4 and PS5 can wake both consoles without using official controllers. But maybe with the Switch it's just not possible, figured I'd ask anyway.