
Failure in

Witchblade101 opened this issue · 6 comments

________________________________________________________ test_against_test_data ________________________________________________________

siaf = <pysiaf.Siaf object Instrument=miri >, verbose = False

def test_against_test_data(siaf=None, verbose=False):
    """MIRI test data comparison.

    Mean and RMS difference between the instrument team computations
    and the pysiaf computations are computed and compared against
    acceptable thresholds.

    if siaf is None:
        # Try to use pre-delivery-data since this should best match the source-data. If no data there, use PRD data
            pre_delivery_dir = os.path.join(JWST_DELIVERY_DATA_ROOT, instrument)
            siaf = Siaf(instrument, basepath=pre_delivery_dir)
        except OSError:
            siaf = Siaf(instrument)

        # safeguard against side-effects when running several tests on
        #  a provided siaf, e.g. setting tilt to non-zero value
        siaf = copy.deepcopy(siaf)

    x_test, y_test, v2_test, v3_test = mirim_siaf_testdata.siaf_testdata()

    aperture_name = 'MIRIM_FULL'
    aperture = siaf[aperture_name]

    # v2_pysiaf, v3_pysiaf = aperture.det_to_tel(x_test, y_test)
    # x_pysiaf, y_pysiaf = aperture.tel_to_det(v2_test, v3_test)
    v2_pysiaf, v3_pysiaf = aperture.sci_to_tel(x_test, y_test)
    x_pysiaf, y_pysiaf = aperture.tel_to_sci(v2_test, v3_test)

    t = Table([x_test-x_pysiaf, y_test-y_pysiaf, v2_test-v2_pysiaf, v3_test-v3_pysiaf],
              names=('delta_x', 'delta_y', 'delta_v2', 'delta_v3'))

    if verbose:

    absolute_tolerance = 0.04
  assert_allclose(x_test, x_pysiaf, atol=absolute_tolerance)

E AssertionError:
E Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=0.04
E Mismatched elements: 15 / 15 (100%)
E Max absolute difference: 1.840769
E Max relative difference: 0.01433061
E x: array([326.13, 693.5 , 516.5 , 953.18, 681.75, 409.81, 137.65, 928.52,
E 658.11, 387.37, 116.34, 904.64, 634.88, 365. , 94.77])
E y: array([327.841595, 695.124727, 518.257992, 954.734981, 683.374363,
E 411.606429, 139.490769, 930.03035 , 659.758194, 389.192884,
E 118.031463, 906.054437, 636.468316, 366.667649, 95.986934]) AssertionError
________________________________________________________ test_against_test_data ________________________________________________________

Are these errors expected, and we need to change the tolerances, or is something off with the new values?

MIRI failures begin in PRDOPSSOC-51, which includes changes from JWSTSIAF-210

I don't understand this; I ran the script when I ran and didn't encounter these errors in comparing against MIRI test data. The values in the error log above look like outdated values from a previous version of pysiaf, how was this test being run? Did it use the new values in that were updated with the PR?

That's what we're trying to figure out. We started getting all these errors showing up preparing to due a pysiaf release following the procedure at starting at "After the PRD is Released."
The tests pass fine initially, but as soon as we install the actual PRD data the tests start failing.

I may have fixed it, but I'm too pessimistic to declare victory just yet...

At a guess I'd say that the MIRI source_data directory hasn't been updated (it got merged to siaf_updates, but doesn't look like it was yet merged to master?). The source_data directory contains test cases specific to the updated XML, so if one updates without the other it will throw errors like this.