
Fix plotting commands

Witchblade101 opened this issue · 2 comments

@tddesjardins pointed out on Slack that fillstyle='full' doesn't appear to work anymore.

The plotted apertures in the and other documentation show the defaults of aperture.plot(), which are filled cyan shapes. This appears to now be overridden almost everywhere by empty shapes with different colored lines for each aperture (see siaf.plot_main_apertures(), e.g.)

I also notice that in the default HST plotting example it appears that some ACS apertures are getting filled, but are at a different scale or on a different coordinate system.


What you currently get if you actually run that code:

First step when I have the time: Find the PR or commit when this stopped working.

Tested old versions starting with 0.10.0. Plotting breaks in pysiaf starting with 0.13.0. Before that it behaves as expected.

@mfixstsci This strongly points to my initial suspicion that the problem relates to the changes made with PR #177 and PR #185 (Since that was the only time I remember anyone touching the plot functions...)