
numpy 1.21 causing test failure

Closed this issue · 1 comments


The traceback:

$ pytest -k test_table_array_shape_ndim
============================== test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.5, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/jdavies/dev/stdatamodels, configfile: setup.cfg, testpaths: tests, src
plugins: asdf-2.8.1, openfiles-0.5.0, doctestplus-0.9.0
collected 180 items / 178 deselected / 2 selected                               

tests/ .F                                                   [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ====================================
____________________ test_table_array_shape_ndim[test.fits] _____________________

filename = 'test.fits'
tmp_path = PosixPath('/private/var/folders/jg/by5st33j7ps356dgb4kn8w900001n5/T/pytest-of-jdavies/pytest-2/test_table_array_shape_ndim_te1')

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", ["test.asdf", "test.fits"])
    def test_table_array_shape_ndim(filename, tmp_path):
        file_path = tmp_path/filename
        with TableModel() as x:
            x.table = [
                    [[37.5, 38.0], [39.0, 40.0], [41.0, 42.0]],
                    [[37.5, 38.0], [39.0, 40.0], [41.0, 42.0]],
            assert x.table.dtype == [
                ('int16_column', '=i2'),
                ('float32_column', '=f4'),
                ('ascii_column', 'S64'),
                ('float32_column_with_shape', '=f4', (3, 2)),
                ('float32_column_with_ndim', '=f4', (3, 2)),
        with TableModel(file_path) as x:
>           assert x.table.dtype == [
                ('int16_column', '=i2'),
                ('float32_column', '=f4'),
                ('ascii_column', 'S64'),
                ('float32_column_with_shape', '=f4', (3, 2)),
                ('float32_column_with_ndim', '=f4', (3, 2)),
E           AssertionError: assert dtype((numpy.record, [('int16_column', '>i2'), ('float32_column', '>f4'), ('ascii_column', 'S64'), ('float32_column_with_shape', '>f4', (3, 2)), ('float32_column_with_ndim', '>f4', (3, 2))])) == [('int16_column', '=i2'), ('float32_column', '=f4'), ('ascii_column', 'S64'), ('float32_column_with_shape', '=f4', (3, 2)), ('float32_column_with_ndim', '=f4', (3, 2))]
E            +  where dtype((numpy.record, [('int16_column', '>i2'), ('float32_column', '>f4'), ('ascii_column', 'S64'), ('float32_column_with_shape', '>f4', (3, 2)), ('float32_column_with_ndim', '>f4', (3, 2))])) = FITS_rec([(42, 37.5, 'STRING', [[37.5, 38. ], [39. , 40. ], [41. , 42. ]], [[37.5, 38. ], [39. , 40. ], [41. , 42. ]])..., ('ascii_column', 'S64'), ('float32_column_with_shape', '>f4', (3, 2)), ('float32_column_with_ndim', '>f4', (3, 2))])).dtype
E            +    where FITS_rec([(42, 37.5, 'STRING', [[37.5, 38. ], [39. , 40. ], [41. , 42. ]], [[37.5, 38. ], [39. , 40. ], [41. , 42. ]])..., ('ascii_column', 'S64'), ('float32_column_with_shape', '>f4', (3, 2)), ('float32_column_with_ndim', '>f4', (3, 2))])) = <TableModel from test.fits>.table

tests/ AssertionError

The same job passed the week before with no changes in master. The only differences in the dependencies was:

numpy==1.20.3,		      |	numpy==1.21.0,
pyrsistent==0.17.3,	      |	pyrsistent==0.18.0,