
Logon failes (with fix) but streaming crashes after about 30 seconds - DRM problem?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

ljakob commented

I've fixed the string handling in

                sc = scripts.contents[0] 
                self.log('sc=' + sc) 
                sc = sc.replace( "window.amznMusic = " , "" ) 
                sc = sc.replace( "appConfig:" , "\"appConfig\":" ) 
                sc = sc.replace( "ssr: false" , "\"ssr\":\"\"" ) 
                sc = sc.replace( "isInContainerApp" , "\"isInContainerApp\"" ) 
                sc = sc.replace( "false" , "\"false\"" ) 
                sc = sc.replace( "true" , "\"true\"" ) 
                sc = sc.replace( os.linesep , "" ) 
                sc = sc.replace( ";" , "" ) 
                import re 
                sc = re.compile(',\s*}').sub('}', sc) 

logon passes now, but playback stops after first segment with

2023-09-18 23:43:56.386 T:53934    info <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: [Repr. chooser] Resolution set: 1920x1200, max allowed: 1920x1200, Adjust refresh rate: 0
2023-09-18 23:43:56.461 T:53934    info <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Successfully parsed manifest file (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 1, Type: VOD)
2023-09-18 23:43:56.728 T:53934   error <general>: CCurlFile::CReadState::FillBuffer - (0x7f4b700059b0) Failed: HTTP returned code 400
2023-09-18 23:43:56.728 T:53934   error <general>: CCurlFile::Open - <> Failed with code 400:
2023-09-18 23:43:56.728 T:53934   error <general>: AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: License server returned failure

should be easy to reproduce.

Thanks for your time

spacys commented

I guess you are using a Linux system. Right?!?
It looks like Amazon has blocked Linux, at least I was not able to identify the root cause so far. The communication goes through Inputstream Adaptive, and this is still a black box for me.