
Can't get XESmartReplay to work

Closed this issue · 1 comments

My assumption would be that if I run the following code:

$response = New-DbaXESmartReplay -SqlInstance sql2016 -Database planning
Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance sql2017 -Session 'Profiler Standard' -Responder $response

And a create table is captured on sql2017, then that table should be created on sql2016 in the planning database. I went a step further and created a planning db on sql2017 and that still didn't work either.

I also tried to get more specific

Start-DbaXESmartTarget -SqlInstance sql2017 -Session 'Profiler Standard' -Responder $response -Database planning


btw, you can add -NotAsJob to the above commands to see what it's doing live instead of it shuffling it off as a powershell job. I'm curious as to what the output looks like, but I haven't gotten it to work yet.


Fixed with 22231b5