
I didn't know how else to do this

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Hey. This is just a shot in the dark, but I saw you starred my diplomacy project (frontierpsycho/diplicitous), and that you're working on an angularjs diplomacy interface. I'm going to make you an offer you can absolutely refuse. Wanna perhaps work together? :-)

Greetings! Yeah, curse GitHub's lack of user messaging. is relatively new: I only publicly announced it on Reddit a couple weeks ago. I actually encountered diplicitous whilst researching judge adjudication. I stumbled upon ruby-adjudicator and was hoping to adapt that (with proper attribution! :) into a NodeJS module. I had been looking at godip, but not speaking Go has made interpreting it tedious.

Anyway, I would love a collaboration! Technology-wise, it appears we're mostly on the same page already. Drop me an email (, myusername being, er, my user name here) and we can discuss further.