
Trace metrics?

dj-murphy opened this issue · 0 comments

Is it possible to use/send trace metrics with this library? I searched the Spandex documentation for "metrics" and there were no results. This seems to be something that "just works" with the official Ruby gem, but despite creating and sending a new span to Datadog, the same functionality is not available with our elixir app, so I'm just trying to figure out what the issue is, and how to fix it.

What I'm trying to accomplish: be able to create monitors and dashboards around a piece of data we don't have until we're inside a function. As mentioned, I tried creating / sending a new span, which shows up in Datadog, but beyond being available as a filter in the APM Live view, doesn't seem to be useable.

Please let me know if this issue should go in the main Spandex repository. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!