Uni Regensburg Notebook Converter
pip install urnc
Or update from an older version:
pip install urnc --upgrade
# Clone example course and change into course directory
git clone https://github.com/spang-lab/urnc-example-course
cd urnc-example-course
# Convert a single notebook to student version
urnc convert assignments/sheet1.ipynb student/sheet1.ipynb
# Convert all assignment notebooks to student versions
urnc convert assignments
# Convert all assignment notebooks to student version, pull student repo and
# copy over converted notebooks
urnc student
You can find a more detailed introduction to URNC at page Usage of URNC's Documentation Website.
You can find the full documentation for URNC at spang-lab.github.io/urnc. Amongst others, it includes chapters about: