
Better dark theme support

sparanoid opened this issue · 2 comments

I've added a basic dark theme support via prefers-color-scheme: dark media method last week, but it still has some issues:

  • CSS variables (custom properties) conflict with Scss-Liquid front-matter custom CSS, aka. Custom Color Scheme. For example:
  • theme_color and background_color in manifest.json will not work if you switch to CSS variables and no longer define custom color scheme.
  • Cannot determine custom color for colored post list

Is there a way to disable the dark mode? I see an option under _app/_data/curtana.yaml but anytime I run grunt init it gets erased.

Many thanks for your sharing almace-scaffolding :-)

You don't need to run grunt init every time you build your site. It's just an initial step to generate essential files for your project.