
High-Res Album Art

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Can you please do an update to get the high-res album art from iTunes? When clicking on "view artwork in new tab", it only shows the low-res version. You can make it high res by typing -999 before the .jpg or .png ""

It might be like that for that particular album art. But and both have options to get standard resolution and high resolution album art. They literally add the -999 to the end. Plus you can add .tiff, .jpg, or .png to the very end and it will change too.

Well I just modified it for myself. I changed the values in itunes-artwork-grabber.user.js to "var artworkSize = '9000x9000-999'; var artworkFormat = '.jpg';" and then deleted the _metadata folder. I turned on developer mode in Chrome and loaded it as an unpacked extension. Works like a charm :D