
Zoom into alternate image

lunetics opened this issue · 2 comments

I played around with your lib, simple and small, i like it.

Now, when i use a thumbail e.g. <img src="/path/to/thumbnail_small.png" data-image="/path/to/full_res_image.png" > and use lightense, it will just zoom in the thumb (but with the size of the data-img).

Wheni use the "data-image" attribute 2 things happen:

  • on click, it will be zoomed in by the size of the "data-image", but still the src is display (blurry big thumb)
  • on ctrl click (new window), the full size image will be shown.

Is that considered a bug?

@lunetics to keep things simple, I think it's better to handle "lazy load" feature separately, @3runoDesign's implementation is a good approach.

Wheni use the "data-image" attribute 2 things happen:

I've fixed these bugs in v1.0.2.