
Transformation cause image getting blurry

radiocity opened this issue · 7 comments

Can you give me a demo link to reproduce this issue? Thanks.

Here comes Demo
Google Chrome 63.0.3239.132 (x64)


This seems like an OS related issue, I cannot reproduce this on macOS:





If you're not comfortable with the default CSS applied, you can always customize the appearance on your own:

img {
  image-rendering: pixelated;

Nope. After couple tests it became obvious that image-rendering doesn`t affect on thin lines.
Replace traslate3d with absolute positioning to prevent blurry effect

I can reproduce (and fix) this issue.

It appears that the translate3d property causes images to render blurry in Chrome and Safari (I haven't tested other browsers) when offsetting by a percentage of a pixel. Rounding to the nearest pixel fixes this issue completely.

Here's an example of the blurry (as-is currently) image:

screen shot 2018-05-09 at 12 10 14 pm

Here's that same image with the translate3d property rounded off, and you'll notice if you open the image that the text on the image is considerably clearer:

screen shot 2018-05-09 at 12 10 05 pm

I'm happy to submit a PR to fix this - let me know.

@sparanoid Can you fix that?

Sorry for the late reply, just fixed it and released a new version.