
Multiple channels?

gnusenpai opened this issue · 1 comments

Is monitoring multiple channels something that is supported?
If it is, how is it meant to be done?
At the moment, I just launch 4 instances of live-dl with a large sleep interval and staggered by some time to not spam YouTube.
I would like to monitor more channels, but I'd rather not have my IP banned, and what I'm currently doing seems unsafe as it is, haha.
Is there no feasible way to monitor a bunch of channels with a single instance?

At the moment, I just launch 4 instances of live-dl with a large sleep interval and staggered by some time to not spam YouTube.

Yes this works. I run 10+ instances on one machine without any problem

but I'd rather not have my IP banned

Try using proxies for different instances.

Is there no feasible way to monitor a bunch of channels with a single instance?

It could. But still has to spam YouTube with the amount of requests so I see no benefit to doing that.