
use full width images in posts

Closed this issue · 9 comments

sssoz commented

Do you want people to be able to click on the images, or for the images to appear, inline, in full-size? It will bleed & overlap with the right-side content, unless we make the right-side content not sticky.

erm, I want them the full width of the text (so, the RHS column would be clear)

sssoz commented

Ah okay, then it’s not a CSS issue. Do you just need to crop the images then?

sssoz commented


Ah, if it's fast for you to crop them then that would be great... but if it isn't let me know and I deal with it.

sssoz commented

Sure, but shouldn’t you have the source material instead of the PNGs? Probably easier to export from there -- if not, no problem, I can do that too...

I've cropped them