
Redshift query abort without throwing exception in spark job

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Hi, we are using the following command to unload some query results from redshift to s3.

      .option("url", s"${config.redshiftUrl}?user=${config.redshiftUser}&password=${config.redshiftPassword}")
      .option("query", sql)
      .option("tempdir", s"s3://${config.redshiftTempS3Bucket}/redshift/temp_data/download/$segId")
      .option("forward_spark_s3_credentials", "true")

But everytime when redshift abort our query, the spark job is still running and didn't receive any exceptions or signals. Do you have any suggestions on exception handling?

That is most likely due to spark session not being closed.
I am assuming you created or using a spark session in the above code.
Could you try adding sc.stop() in your exception handling?