Update Listings (October 2020)
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bryanbraun commented
I contacted many of our existing listings to confirm the status of their apprenticeships.* These are the changes we're currently planning on making:
- Remove Base 2 [confirmed]
- Remove Fresh Tilled Soil [confirmed]
- Remove 8th Light [not confirmed, but we're moving forward]
- Add Codurance Apprenticeship [confirmed]
- Add Twilio [not confirmed yet, but we're moving forward]
- Add Revelry [not confirmed yet, but we're moving forward]
Temporarily Paused ones (with the expectation that we'll be adding a note)
- IQ Foundry [confirmed]
- Gaslight [confirmed]
*This is subject to changes, as more people respond to me. Also we may not want to publish these updates until after a 2-week grace period (October 19th), to give folks time to respond to my emails.