
How to inject styles into 'head' rather than 'body'

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This may be a premailer or assemble question, but wondering if you know of a way to inject styles into 'head' rather than 'body' (general / media queries, not inline styles).

Any help is appreciated. Great tool!

hi @judah-firewood! That is a Premailer thing, but after some quick testing it looks like newer versions of Premailer put the styles into head instead of body. I created a new branch and PR (#12) that upgrades the Gemfile to use the latest version of Premailer. Could you test that branch and tell me if it works for you? If so, maybe work with it a day or 2 to make sure nothing else goes wonky with this new version. After pulling down this branch you'll want to run bundle install to upgrade to the new version of Premailer. Thanks!

Hey @judah-firewood, how are things going with these changes? Any issues?

These changes have been merged in.