Aspect ratio padding for iframe videos
mdt2 opened this issue · 1 comments
We copy/paste this code from project to project, it would be nice to have here! The 56.25% creates the 16:9 aspect ratio.
.video {
// Creates a container with at 16:9 aspect ratio
height: 0 !important;
padding-bottom: 56.25% !important;
position: relative;
iframe {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
I like the idea of creating a mixin to accomplish this. There is already a ratio percent function in Sparkle, but I think a mixin that accomplishes this would be versatile to fit a custom class.
What would be best for this is if we can pass in ratio percentage, but default to the widescreen 56.25% value. Then the iframe
should be customizeable/expandable as well.
For usage this is what I think this is what this should look like:
.my_video {
@include ratio-block( ratio(4, 3), '.iframe')
I’m open to discussing the name of this function. The ratio(4, 3)
is in number value, so it can use percentages or calc()
, or the ratio()
function. The second portion of the mixing '.iframe'
would allow for passing in a string of selectors, because we may want iframe
and video
and some other class value.