
Doesn't work in linux

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Attempting to call ftpClient.LoginAsync() on Linux results in the following exception:

This platform does not support connecting sockets to DNS endpoints via the instance Connect and ConnectAsync methods, due to the potential for a host name to map to multiple IP addresses and sockets becoming invalid for use after a failed connect attempt. Use the static ConnectAsync method, or provide to the instance methods the specific IPAddress desired.

This is the result of

Awesome, thanks for the quick response and a great library overall!

@NickG123 Can you confirm that this now works for your setup? :)

Sorry, I am actually still running into problems.
The client appears to still be calling .connect using the hostname when opening a data socket:

socket.Connect( configuration.Host, passivePortNumber.Value );


Whoops - forgot to make the change in the data socket too!

@NickG123 Please check v1.1.7 on NuGet :)

Seems to be working fine! Thanks a lot.