Implement the full set of options
jboarman opened this issue · 0 comments
jboarman commented
The Options
class provides customization and configuration options for rendering SVG files. The main options have been documented in the README, but now we need to ensure they are all implemented.
Also, it would be ideal to allow the options to be defined as a dictionary as a possible style for passing the options, so either as a dictionary or instance of a proper Options
If there are parameters that are problematic to deal with, we may defer those until later. But, if they are trivial to address now, then we should knock them all out now.
Name | Purpose | Type | Allowed Values | Example |
width | Defines the width of the output image in pixels | Integer | Positive integers (1 and above) | options.width = 300 |
height | Defines the height of the output image in pixels | Integer | Positive integers (1 and above) | options.height = 200 |
fit_to | Controls how the SVG should be scaled to fit the output | String or Tuple | "original", ("width", value), ("height", value), ("zoom", factor) | options.fit_to = ("width", 300) |
background | Sets the background color of the output image | String or None | 6 or 8-digit hex color codes or None |
options.background = "#FFAABB" |
dpi | Specifies the DPI value used for rendering | Float | Positive float values (greater than 0) | options.dpi = 96.0 |
languages | Sets the list of languages for systemLanguage attribute |
List of strings | Valid BCP 47 language codes | options.languages = ["en", "fr", "es"] |
shape_rendering | Controls the rendering mode for shapes | String | "optimizeSpeed", "crispEdges", "geometricPrecision | options.shape_rendering = "optimizeSpeed" |
text_rendering | Controls the rendering mode for text | String | "optimizeSpeed", "optimizeLegibility", "geometricPrecision | options.text_rendering = "optimizeLegibility" |
image_rendering | Controls the rendering mode for images | String | "optimizeQuality", "optimizeSpeed", "pixelated | options.image_rendering = "optimizeQuality" |
skip_system_fonts | Skip loading system fonts when rendering text | Boolean | True or False |
options.skip_system_fonts = True |
font_size | Specifies the default font size for text elements | Float | Positive float values (greater than 0) | options.font_size = 14.0 |
font_family | Specifies the default font family for text elements | String | Valid font family names | options.font_family = "Arial" |
font_path | Path to a custom font file | String | Valid file path | options.font_path = "path/to/font.ttf" |