
Firmware + Interrupts

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Hi!. The digital pins can handle interrupts? in which pins? what limitations have?. NOTE: i need to count a pulse signal with a max. frequency of 2 Hz.


This case looks stale and does not seem to be an issue with the Blynk board or core firmware. However, I can answer a few of your questions:

If you are still wondering, all the ESP8266's digital pins can handle interrupts except for GPIO16. When using the ESP8266 community's board definition (v2.5.1 and above) for the ESP8266, you must include ICACHE_RAM_ATTR before the function definition. For additional limitations, check out the reference guide for the ESP8266 . In terms of the ESP8266 and the Blynk app, the minimum update rate is 1 second. I have not tried this before but you could manually set the rate for anything less than a second using the PUSH option.