
MAX30105 + Arduino Pro Micro?

DonguiLLaume opened this issue · 2 comments

I’m trying to use this sensor together with an arduino pro micro. However, arduino pro micro has not neither SCL and SDA nor A4 and A5. Can I change something in the code to make the connexions to A2 and A3 instead? I am unable to find where to set this information. Thanks.

Yup. You can setup a second wire port on the Pro Micro and then pass that stream into the library. I did something like this on my APRS entry. Checkout this code to see how to init a 2nd port on the Pro Micro. Then call something like:

myMax30105.begin(testI2C, 100000, 0x57);

This will init the MAX30105 using the testI2C i2c port, at 100kHz, using the I2C address of 0x57. See this line to see what I'm talking about.

Also, see the SERCOM – Configurable Serial Ports section of the SAMD21 hookup guide.