
How to delete a stream as a site admin of a private server?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I wonder how we can delete streams from a private server. Some test streams were created an no private keys nor delete keys are available.
We do have ssh access to the server.

The keys are just a hash function applied to the stream ID, they're not stored anywhere.

Since you're operating your own private instance of the server, you should be able to make the following change. This adds a 'listkeys' command to the telnet interface which you can use to recover the keys and then follow the normal procedures to delete them. It should go without saying that this function must not be made generally available and you should back out these diffs once you've done what you needed to do.

*** telnet_manager.js:orig	Mon Feb 27 05:19:55 2017
--- telnet_manager.js	Wed Jun 21 05:11:17 2017
*** 181,186 ****
--- 181,187 ----
    w('list       list public streams\n');
+   w('listkeys   list public streams with ID and keys\n');
    w('create     create a new stream\n');
    w('delete     remove a stream\n');
    w('help       display this dialog\n');
*** 363,368 ****
--- 364,405 ----
+  * listkeys
+  *
+  * displays a list of the public streams with their IDs and keys
+  */
+ client.listkeys = function() {
+   var self = this;
+   self.write('\nPublic streams:\n');
+   self.manager.metadata.list(function(err, streams) {
+     if (err) {
+       self.write('Error retrieving streams\n');
+     } else {
+       streams.forEach(function(stream) {
+         self.write(stream.title + ' - ' + + '\n');
+         self.write('PUBLIC KEY: ' + self.manager.keychain.publicKey( + '\n');
+         self.write('PRIVATE KEY:  ' + self.manager.keychain.privateKey( + '\n');
+         self.write('DELETE KEY:  ' + self.manager.keychain.deleteKey( + '\n\n');
+       });
+       self.write('\n');
+       self.prompt();
+     }
+   });
+ };
+ /**
   * command
   * helper function that interprets client
*** 386,391 ****
--- 423,432 ----
+     case 'listkeys':
+       this.listkeys();
+       break;
      case '?':
      case 'help':;

Phant is No Longer in Operation

Unfortunately Phant, our data-streaming service, is no longer in service and will be discontinued. The system has reached capacity and, like a less-adventurous Cassini, has plunged conclusively into a fiery and permanent retirement. There are several other maker-friendly, data-streaming services and/or IoT platforms available as alternatives. The three we recommend are Blynk, ThingSpeak, and Cayenne. You can read our blog post [ ] on the topic for an overview and helpful links for each platform.