
Enabling Breaks parameters_stacks

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It seems when I add the call back default ['lambda'] it then breaks the functionality to have stack json files prefill the runtime parameters. When I comment out the line I see the parameters get filled and it works correctly.

  callbacks do
    # We can't use infrastructure mode currently.
    # top level VPC not defined with a template,
    # so nested templates won't work
    require ['sfn-parameters']
    default ['parameters_stacks']
    require ['sfn-lambda']
    # Comment out the next line and the parameters call back works fine.
    # default ['lambda']

Any thoughts?

Found needed to write this way:

require ['sfn-parameters', 'sfn-lambda']
default ['parameters_stacks', 'lambda']

Not really an issue. Closing out.