Indoor and outdoor temperature/humidity
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello, I have an outdoor weather station "Sainlogic WS3500" with an indoor screen. Everything related to the outdoor unit works correctly, but the temperature and humidity of the indoor unit do not appear. In Debug mode if you get the data report "tempinf" and "humidityin". See if you can give me some help, thanks.
Data report: {
"PASSKEY": "******************",
"stationtype": "EasyWeatherPro_V5.1.1",
"runtime": "2",
"dateutc": "2023-08-07 20:36:09",
"tempinf": "85.5",
"humidityin": "42",
"baromrelin": "29.689",
"baromabsin": "29.536",
"tempf": "92.3",
"humidity": "33",
"winddir": "349",
"windspeedmph": "0.00",
"windgustmph": "0.00",
"maxdailygust": "15.88",
"solarradiation": "0.00",
"uv": "0",
"rainratein": "0.000",
"eventrainin": "0.000",
"hourlyrainin": "0.000",
"dailyrainin": "0.000",
"weeklyrainin": "0.000",
"monthlyrainin": "0.000",
"yearlyrainin": "2.461",
"totalrainin": "2.461",
"wh65batt": "0",
"freq": "868M",
"model": "WS2900_V2.01.18",
"interval": "20"
Hi @joseansau. The WS2900 display console is currently not supported so the plugin is not creating an accessory for the console to display the indoor temperature and indoor humidity. I am planning on providing support for the WS2900 in the near future, but that will be through the new Ecowitt plugin available (v2), check out Homebridge Ecowitt Weather Sensors which can be installed through the Homebridge UI. Would appreciate any feedback if you have time to give this new version a try, and let me know if you hit any issues. I'll try to make the WS series display consoles a priority after I finish support for a few more sensors.