
Original URL no longer being returned

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I just updated from Medialibrary Pro 2.1.6 to 2.1.8 and the MediaLibraryUploadController.php no longer returns the original_url which I need in my application.

Is there a setting I can add to have that included in the response?

There's not setting for that. You could achieve this by not using the mediaLibrary macro, but manually registering the route that the macro registers under the hood.

You should create a controller of your own, let it extend the MediaLibraryUploadController and you should override the responseFields function that was just added in the latest version of the package.

Well, that's rather inconvenient. I'd like to understand why that value was removed on what is essentially a bugfix release? Isn't this a breaking change? Or did I miss something?

Returning the original URL by default was considered a security issue.

Thanks for the clarification