Laravel Mix 6 Support
HDVinnie opened this issue ยท 7 comments
HDVinnie commented
sebastiandedeyne commented
Working on this!
I just pushed a next
branch with the progress. Laravel Mix updated to Postcss 8, but the Purgecss plugin doesn't support 8 yet (FullHuman/purgecss#488). I think we'll be able to tag a new version when that's done.
sebastiandedeyne commented
Continuing this in #90.
kingroho commented
I still get TypeError: Cannot read property 'postCss' of undefined
. I'm using laravel-mix 6.0.0-beta.11. Tried installing postcss and postcss-loader too. Still getting the same error.
sebastiandedeyne commented
Could you share:
- The contents of
- The output of
npm list
/yarn list
mwargan commented
+1 with this issue on 6.
npm list outputs
โโโ @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import@7.8.3
โโโ @babel/preset-env@7.12.7
โโโ aos@3.0.0-beta.6
โโโ axios@0.19.2
โโโ bootstrap@4.5.3
โโโ browser-sync-webpack-plugin@2.2.2
โโโ browser-sync@2.26.13
โโโ chart.js@2.9.4
โโโ cross-env@5.2.1
โโโ jquery@3.5.1
โโโ laravel-echo@1.9.0
โโโ laravel-mix-bundle-analyzer@1.0.5
โโโ laravel-mix-purgecss@5.0.0
โโโ laravel-mix-workbox@0.1.2
โโโ laravel-mix@6.0.0-beta.15
โโโ leaflet-geosearch@2.7.0
โโโ leaflet@1.7.1
โโโ moment@2.29.1
โโโ popper.js@1.16.1
โโโ postcss-loader@4.1.0
โโโ postcss@8.2.0
โโโ purify-css@1.2.5
โโโ purifycss-webpack@0.7.0
โโโ pusher-js@5.1.1
โโโ resolve-url-loader@2.3.2
โโโ sass-loader@7.3.1
โโโ sass@1.30.0
โโโ vue-chartjs@3.5.1
โโโ vue-google-autocomplete@1.1.0
โโโ vue-loader@15.9.5
โโโ vue-stripe-elements-plus@0.3.2
โโโ vue-template-compiler@2.6.12
โโโ vue-textarea-autosize@1.1.1
โโโ vue@2.6.12
โโโ vue2-leaflet-geosearch@1.0.6
โโโ vue2-leaflet-locatecontrol@1.0.1
โโโ vue2-leaflet-markercluster@3.1.0
โโโ vue2-leaflet@2.6.0
โโโ workbox-webpack-plugin@6.0.2
webpack.mix.js looks like
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.extract([ 'vue', 'jquery', 'bootstrap', 'moment', 'pusher-js']);
mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css')
], 'public/css/all.css')
enabled: true,
sebastiandedeyne commented
I just tagged a beta version of laravel-mix-purgecss
for testing.
Use version 6.0.0-beta.0
if you're using Laravel Mix 6, that should do the trick.
sebastiandedeyne commented
Shipped! ๐ข