
User::role scope doesn't work inside observer, with teams

jarnesjo opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I have enabled teams and want to add super-admin to every new added company in the app.

My observer for the created looks like this.

// CompanyObserver.php

public function created(Company $company)
        // get session team_id for restore it later
        $activeCompanyId = getPermissionsTeamId();

        // set actual new team_id to package instance

            ->each(function ($user) {

        // restore session team_id to package instance

I can confirm it's get called but in the observer User::role(RolePermission::SUPER_ADMIN)->get() returns[].

Outside trying this I get three users so something doesn't work as I thought it should. Maybe missing something essential? If so please enlighten me.

I tried User::find(1)->assignRole(RolePermission::SUPER_ADMIN); and it's works so it's have to be something with the scope provided.

I have also tried which also returns [] in the observer.

User::whereHas('roles', function ($q) {
            $q->where('name', RolePermission::SUPER_ADMIN);


  • spatie/laravel-permission: 5.7.0
  • laravel/framework: 9.42.2
  • laravel/sail: 1.16.3

PHP version: 8.1.12

Expected behavior
Getting the Users with the role SUPER_ADMIN so it can be assigned that role for the newly created company.

Never mind. I found the solutions of course a couple of minutes after posting here. But after hours of debugging and testing🙄

I have to get the users before starting fiddling with setPermissionsTeamId()

    public function created(Company $company)
        $superadmins = User::role(RolePermission::SUPER_ADMIN)->get();

        // get session team_id for restore it later
        $activeCompanyId = getPermissionsTeamId();

        // set actual new team_id to package instance

        $superadmins->each(function ($user) {

        // restore session team_id to package instance