
v5.9.0 breaks user()->can() verification

MrWeb opened this issue · 10 comments

MrWeb commented

Describe the bug
I upgraded from 5.7.0 to 5.9.0 and inside blade can() returns false when before it was returning true


  • spatie/laravel-permission package version: 5.9.0
  • illuminate/framework package

PHP version: 8.1

Database version: MySQL 8.0.27

To Reproduce
Assign a user a permission 'view-CoWorking'
Inside blade check:


In v 5.9.0: should return "Can" but "Cannot" is returned
In v 5.7.0: should return "Can" and "Can" is correctly returned

i have a similar problem but with permission middleware,
It's always returning me "User does not have the right permissions."

I'm have the same issue on a dev server with version 5.4

"spatie/laravel-permission": "^5.4",
PHP 8.2.1 (cli) (built: Jan 13 2023 10:42:44) (NTS)

Also I'm using a middleware to check the permission on route groups.

edit: I checked my composer.lock and it's pointing to version 5.8.0 on local and 5.9.0 on the server.
Please look which of that PRs makes the problem?, maybe could be this #2309 Please look which of that PRs makes the problem?, maybe could be this #2309

It worked for me after reverting these PR changes locally

ok, thanks for the feedback

Hi, can somebody test this commit on 5.9.0 erikn69@e357bc0, maybe that fix it

It doesn't work here

Hi, can somebody test this commit on 5.9.0 erikn69@09088c0, what about these

Hi, can somebody test this commit on 5.9.0 erikn69@09088c0, what about these

In my tests, these changes fix the issue

drbyte commented

v5.9.1 reverted the change.

There is a new PR for the same, #2321 could you please test it before breaking this again?