
403 login page error

exshapoval opened this issue · 6 comments

I use Laravel 10.1.5 and Nova 4.22.1 When in .env APP_ENV=local all ok But when APP_ENV=production I see error 403 on my admin/login page

How I can fix it for production with laravel permissions?

reset laravel permission cache

reset laravel permission cache

still not work

Make a debug to find the problem, and them make a PR if there is a fix

Make a debug to find the problem, and them make a PR if there is a fix

Hi, how to make debug?

ask on nova how to do it, or make a demo app repository based on a laravel fresh installation, it don't seems related with this package

drbyte commented

Closing as application-specific. Need demo app in order to support. Probably unrelated to this package.