
How to integrate package data with my existing backpack laravel project?

Almadi777 opened this issue ยท 6 comments

How to integrate package data with my existing backpack laravel project?

Sorry, no idea what is backpack or how integrate it, maybe this
laravel permission backpack

drbyte commented

@Almadi777 what do you mean by "integrate"?
If you've got Backpack installed, then this package is also installed. You simply code your application to respond to permissions/roles according to whatever permissions/roles your users have created.

If you've got Backpack installed, then this package is also installed.

So, there should be notes about this in the backpack documentation.
It is not an issue

Hello everyone, thanks for responding. I meant that I have a project on laravel-backpack, where there are already ready-made controllers, where there are rights for certain roles, at the moment the task is to remove these rights, so that it would be possible to give these rights through the admin panel. But for some reason, after installing and initializing my controllers in the AppProvider, I did not have such sections with checkboxes as roles and rights, inside users when editing.

Is it possible to rewrite the controller from the vendor, under your own controller? Since my controller has a lot of data related to users

I did not have such sections with checkboxes as roles and rights, inside users when editing.
Is it possible to rewrite the controller from the vendor, under your own controller? Since my controller has a lot of data related to users

Everything seems like questions for laravel backpack, not for this package, this package has no sections, checkboxes, controllers neither GUI