
Cannot save the user model twice in the same request

Moundlen opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
Sorry if this has already been asked but I'm using Laravel fortify to register new users, once user is registered I automatically log him in but I have a listener that listens for Login and automatically edits the user IP and last login and saves the user again. When the user is saved again I get an error Duplicate entry '7-153-User' for key 'model_has_roles.PRIMARY'.
I fixed the issue by saving quietly but is this expected behavior ?
Now everytime I save a user in the same lifetime cycle it just crashes.
It seems to come from the use of attach instead of sync in the HasRoles trait line 168. see #2420
Did not have this issue before because I migrated from v4 to v6.


  • spatie/laravel-permission package version: 6.4.0
  • laravel/framework package: 10.48.3

PHP version: 8.2.16

Database version: mysql 8.0.32

To Reproduce

  • Create a new User
  • Sync or Assign role to the user
  • Save the User
  • Save the User again

My listener:

public function login(Login $event): void
        try {
            /** @var User $user */
            $user = $event->user;
                ->withProperty('IP', request()->getClientIp())

            $user->last_login = Carbon::now();
            $user->last_ip = request()->getClientIp();
        } catch (\Exception $exception) {

Expected behavior
I would expect the save to not throw an error if I save the User twice.

Environment (please complete the following information, because it helps us investigate better):

  • OS: ubuntu
  • Version: 22.04