
Docs are not uptodate with current implementation

func0der opened this issue · 9 comments

+ $table->uuid(PermissionRegistrar::$pivotRole);

I am just migrating from v5 to v6 and stumbled upon the migrations. (unrelated information)
In v6 you migrated away from static properties on PermissionRegistrar and towards using the config in the migration directly.

Yet this change is not reflected in the docs advanced docs for UUID usage mentioned above. There PermissionRegistrar is still used.

Bug or better missed documentation, right?

2. Migrations. Compare the `migration` file stubs in the NEW version of this package against the migrations you've already run inside your app. If necessary, create a new migration (by hand) to apply any new database changes.

@parallels999 I don't know what a reference to a line without any comment or context should add to this issue, so I have to guess.

That line does not concern the case I have described above.
The case I described is out of the advanced use case documentation, which tells you how you would use UUID columns on first install of this library.
So it needs to be up to date with the current version of the migrations.

Feel free to make a PR updating docs

So this is a confirmed bug in the documentation?

There was a major release, and there was also a Laravel 11 release without much difference in time, the documentation was outdated in many aspects

So this is a confirmed bug in the documentation?

Yes. I'm committing a fix now. Thanks for drawing this to our attention!

Fixed in 1890d8b

Fixed in 1890d8b

Awesome. Would have also done this, just wanted to confirm that it is really a bug.

just wanted to confirm that it is really a bug.

Agreed. Thanks!