
Chapter 7 seems lacking

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, really enjoying the book as it's quite useful.

Slight problem though, the sample code for chapter 7 seems like it has the latter half missing. It gets as far as the asset manager, but doesn't include anything relating to the Web Audio API section or other parts.

Is this intentional?

Oh, sorry to hear that. Paging @mrspeaker -- he should be be able to help!

Hmm, I'm out of town for the week - but will be fix it up as soon as I'm back.

No rush, it's not like the book relies on pre-written code. It just seemed odd and I wasn't sure it was intentional.

Best javascript game dev book ever! Any updates on the Web Audio API portion of the code? webAudio.js seems to be missing.

Paging @mrspeaker once more :)