
Exceptions.json has changed format of detailsUrl

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Unlike licenses.json, exceptions.json appears to give a relative url for detailsUrl instead of the full url.

This appears to be a recent change but I'm not sure when. @goneall , I haven't been active recently but noticed it recently broke the license-diff tool. I can do a fix, but wanted to make sure it was intentional.

Interesting - I'm not quite sure what change would have caused this.

I think we should fix the publisher to use the full URL.

@alandtse - do you want me to move this over to the publisher? It would probably take a couple months to cycle through the release processes for both the tools and the license list. We can also open a new issue if you want to update this utility to handle either format.

Oh wait, it appears that it's also not a json now. Compare reference with detailsUrl across both licenses and exceptions.

Can you create a new ticket to address? I'll do a fix in the tool here and close this one.

@alandtse created spdx/Spdx-Java-Library#199 to track updating the License List Publisher. Feel free to add any details to the new issue.

This should be resolved within the tool.