
bug: 3D Viewer Visual doesn’t correctly color by parameter

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Related to this thread reported by Mohamed_Manseur.

3D Viewer Visual does not color objects by parameter values. This can be tested and confirmed using the files/commit below👇.

Expected Behaviour

Correctly coloring by the parameter value.

Streams/Commits Used


Files Used

[Hopital test.pbix](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/ba213fba-c506-434a-8060-ce9ec134bc02/Hopital_test.pbix)



Not really a bug but an "unexpected result" of the way our viewer currently works.

Deeply nested properties must preserve the nesting in the name so that the viewer can pick up on that.

So if you want to color something using the name of a level of a room. The column should be called level.name

Solution has already been posted in the thread.