
Cannot choose Speckle Server

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Step 0:

Expected Behaviour

How things should actually work!

When a data sender or receiver is placed on the canvas, a pop up will appear that lets me log into a server of my choice.

Actual Behaviour

What's actually going on!

No pop up appears, and I am logged into the first server that I previously signed into (hestia in this case).

Affected Projects

Does this issue propagate to other dependencies or dependants? If so, list them here!

I am not sure.

Reproduction Steps & System Config (win, osx, web, etc.)

This is happenning on Windows 10, Rhino 6.

Proposed Solution (if any)

Afaik, this the intended behaviour that @tecomi coded up. If you open the account manager, you have the option to set/clear your default account. If no default is present, the popup will show every time as always.

Yes, what dimitrie said @daviddekoning see below:



Thanks, guys. Does the the default account get set automatically?

Currently the default account is not automatically set, but I think the previous implementation was setting it, at least when using Dynamo...