
Language codes not following ISO standards in lang-id-voxlingua107-ecapa

FredHaa opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

In the tokenizer, Hebrew is given the language code 'iw' and Javanese is given 'jw'. These language codes are incorrect according to the ISO standard

'iw' has been obsoleted and changed to 'he' and 'jw' was an error from the first version of the ISO639 standard, and has latter been corrected to 'jv'.

Expected behaviour

That the correct language codes for Hebrew and Javanese were returned.

To Reproduce

No response

Environment Details

No response

Relevant Log Output

No response

Additional Context

No response

Seems like the problem originates from the VoxLingua107 dataset itself, though it can be corrected in the label_encoder.txt file used at inference.

Considering changing this on existing models could break existing code, adding a notice in the relevant documentations would make sense.