
not able to import 'HuggingFaceWhisper' from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_whisper

aquorio15 opened this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug

I am trying to extract whisper features from pretrained whisper model available on hugging face using "SpeechBrain".

Expected behaviour

To extract the features I am following this discussion https://github.com/openai/whisper/discussions/1246. But I am not able to import HuggingFaceWhisper even after properly installing speechbrain.

To Reproduce

No response

Environment Details

from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_whisper import HuggingFaceWhisper
import speechbrain as sb

Relevant Log Output

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_whisper'

Additional Context

No response


The path to whisper is: from speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.whisper import Whisper

Could you please share with me the speechbrain version that you are using? I think you are not using the latest speechbrain hence why you are struggling to import the whisper module.

I install speechbrain by using the following command which is available on the official website

git clone https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain.git
cd speechbrain
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --editable .

I don't know how to check the version. Can you tell me what is the argument for that. This is my first time using the toolkit

This is the correct way of downloading speechbrain. I think the issue is that you are not looking at the latest documentation. Please have a look here: https://speechbrain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/API/speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.whisper.html#module-speechbrain.lobes.models.huggingface_transformers.whisper also make sure to have a look at our beginner tutorials hosted on our website.

Just now did a fresh install from the link above. Speechbrain is installed as I am able to import the speechbrain module but I am not able to import 'huggingface_whisper' module.

Just now did a fresh install from the link above. Speechbrain is installed as I am able to import the speechbrain module but I am not able to import 'huggingface_whisper' module.

Please have a look at this notebook that I did for you: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1O9tigK_0Qv3JOlf-e9_j2pYilkztQm2_?usp=sharing

You'll see how to import this module.