
Huggingface-Aishell get wrong prediction

Ht-zhang-xianyu opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

Use the pretrained from huggingface case in Aishell dataset, but the prediction seems strange
The script I use is as follows:

from speechbrain.inference.ASR import EncoderDecoderASR

asr_model = EncoderDecoderASR.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/asr-transformer-aishell", savedir="pretrained_models/asr-transformer-aishell")

but return the predict token is :
"一 日 一一 一一 一一 六 克一 件 第 一"

Expected behaviour

expect the correct asr script of wav

To Reproduce

No response

Environment Details

No response

Relevant Log Output

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Additional Context

No response

i meet the same question, then i use this pretrained model to test another examples which is created by myself, but more errors happened. i don't understand whether the data need a preprocess when we test?(I'm a novice at this)