
Add Russian movie DBs as an alternative datasource

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I tried to use Butaca and even consider translating it into Russian, but found out that it's backend knowledge on Russian movies and series is limited. In most cases it fails to find movies and when it works, all info is in English and extremely basic. This makes it unusable for non-English speakers even with a translated GUI.

There are multiple Russian movie and show DB sites which provide API to get data. It would be great to add the appropriate modules to Butaca.

Russian movie DBs API links

  1. Myshows.ru
  1. cinemate.cc
  1. Kinobaza
  1. Kinopoisk
    Largest DB. Has been bought out by greedy Yandex ("Russian Google"). Fights web page parsers

If some needed documentation is not available in English and automatic translation is not usable, I can help with manual translation.